This summer, Gov. Greg Abbott signed a law that will make Texas one of the growing number of states that require those convicted of killing someone in a drunk or drugged driving crash to provide financial support to the victim’s children. The law, which was signed in...
San Antonio Personal Injury Law Blog
3 types of injuries caused by seatbelts during car crashes
The very first motor vehicle safety lesson that every child typically learns is to always wear a seat belt. Parents usually put children into special safety restraints, but once they move into normal seats, children still have to consistently wear a safety restraint...
How can families affected by a semi-truck crash move forward?
It can take months for families to handle all of the consequences of a car crash. The more extreme the collision is, the longer people will likely feel the consequences of the wreck. A crash that only causes property damage could cause many short-term logistical and...
The difference between a class action suit and a mass tort case
In some personal injury scenarios, numerous people will have suffered essentially the same injury. Each individual’s harm may not be identical, but it has the same root cause. Each then wants to sue the person or a company that they believe is responsible for those...
Care for someone with a traumatic brain injury can cost millions
A traumatic brain injury (TBI) could be the result of a car crash, a fall or even some kind of product failure. Someone may strike their head or experience very rough motions that cause bleeding and bruising on the brain. Brain injuries range from mild to severe, and...
Massive vehicle recall underway due to rusted, unsafe frames
Motor vehicles are among the most safety-critical tools and equipment that people use on a daily basis. Anything major that goes wrong with a vehicle could lead to a potentially deadly collision. Consumers, especially those purchasing new vehicles, naturally expect...
Long-term effects of a traumatic brain injury
A traumatic brain injury can have long-lasting and far-reaching effects on a victim’s life. Consequences vary based on the location and type of injury that someone has suffered. For some people, the effects of a TBI are difficult to overcome. Symptoms can affect every...
Will car insurance be enough to replace someone’s wages?
Collisions on the road are a leading cause of premature death and severe injury across the United States, including here in Texas. Every day, people get into crashes that wreck their vehicles and send them to the hospital. Injuries ranging from broken bones to spinal...
What rights do grieving families have in Texas?
Losing a loved one irrevocably changes someone's life. Parents, children and spouses are among those who are usually most profoundly affected by someone's untimely death. The surviving family members or someone who dies unexpectedly will likely experience intense...
What is post-traumatic amnesia?
One of the issues that can arise when someone suffers a concussion or other type of traumatic brain injury (TBI) is memory loss. This often results from brain swelling. As the swelling dissipates, most if not all memories eventually return. It can take time, though....