When you fell, you heard a horrible snap and knew something was wrong. You weren't alone, so the people around you made sure you didn't move and called for emergency help immediately. The nearest hospital to you at the time was still at least several miles away, and...
Catastrophic Injuries
4 reasons offshore drilling can be incredibly dangerous
Offshore drilling becomes more important as reserves of oil on shore shrink and get depleted. Oil is a finite resource, after all, so the industry has to shift and look for new and larger reserves to keep up with demand.At the same time, offshore drilling is a very...
Working on an oil rig can be a very dangerous job
Many people seek out jobs working on oil rigs. These jobs can often offer great pay to those who work them. Sadly, that higher pay often comes with increased risk for job site injuries. Most who choose to work on oil rigs will complete their career without any serious...